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Level 27 Wednesday: We’ve all experienced our version of failure and triumph! We don’t always remember all of the details of our MEMORIES but we always remember the EMOTION we felt! We all handle our situations differently but we all need to learn to LET GO of the past disappointment and the past gratification! We also need to stop worrying ourselves to death trying to MANIPULATE the FUTURE! It’s important that we don’t allow what HAPPENS to us to determine WHO WE ARE! We can’t continue to solely fuel ourselves based on our FEELINGS! Let the past be the past and let tomorrow worry about tomorrow!! Make preparations and be optimistic about your future but don’t let what’s to come rule your life! All you have is RIGHT NOW! It’s important that we focus on making the BEST of the TIME we currently have! LET GO of that test you failed last week, LET GO of that failed relationship, LET GO of that moment you scored the WINNING TOUCHDOWN and LET GO of the semester you got that 4.0 and just focus on creating new memories! If you continue to worry about your future, look back at the things you've achieved and the failures you’ve experienced you’ll always be DISTRACTED from FULLY EXPERIENCING LIFE! The only thing that’s certain is the moment you're currently in RIGHT NOW…… SO LIVE FOR TODAY!

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