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Motivational Monday: What's Fueling You?

The Merriam Dictionary defines the word source as a generative force! In other words it means the beginning, the cause, and the point of origin. Our source gives us the fuel we need to push through but depending on the source it can also deplete our energy. Some people would equate our source with our intentions because it has the power to influence our thoughts and actions! Do you find yourself feeling uninspired or do you lack drive? Do you feel extremely excited when you start a project but midway through you become mentally and physically exhausted? If any of these situations describe your current reality you are drinking from the wrong source! What's really fueling you?

LIFE sends us on a journey that requires us to make decisions; that'll determine if we advance or remain marching in place. We can either choose to embrace discomfort and uncertainty or retreat to our comfort zone! We battle with this decision daily! On one side we've got this nice pillow top mattress with 1000 thread count sheets and fluffy pillows. On the other side we have this bed of nails that just might pierce us and force us to go through a little pain. Now I know you're thinking, "Uhmmmm Coach K it's a no brainer to hop in the comfy bed." Shoot I was thinking the same thing (Laughs) but something always interrupts that thought. It's a little voice inside of us that always goes to war for us saying, "You can do this! What are you afraid of I got you! You're worthy." That voice is there to encourage us and inspire us to keep pushing. Everything eventually falls into place when we allow that voice to fuel us, but issues arise when we start outsourcing our fuel.

We get overstimulated in this digital world. There are so many things just waiting to influence our thoughts and actions. We have "reality tv" that's not real, social media, music, friends, netflix, hulu, you name it we've got it. In reality we are overexposed. We're able to see what Johnny ate last night, the vacation Susan went on last week, and the workout Bethany just finished. We're constantly reminded of our so called shortcomings that we get lost in the sauce and start to doubt our abilities. So we look for corporate acceptance to fuel our greatness! We start frantically scraping up any acknowledgement we can get to fuel our pitiful intentions. We work so hard to fast track our success just to post about our unrealistic expectations. I like to call this the Microwaveable Life Syndrome! Little do we know we're selling our own selves short! Allowing the world and other outside sources to fuel us will grant instant gratification and a small burst of energy but it will eventually fizzle out. We have to go to the original spring if we want that consistent fuel. We get so caught up in trying to keep up that we loose sight of why we are doing what we are doing.

It's so easy to get lost when there's so many things competing for our attention. We forget that we have an unlimited source of fuel living within us. The key is staying focused on the one who created us and gave us life. It's important to listen to that positive voice fighting and interceding on our behalf daily. It's important that we draw fuel from the internal source because we KNOW it's pure. We KNOW what it has done for us before. We KNOW that it always works and we KNOW that it's a "GOOD SOURCE!" Yeah! Although those other options might feel great momentarily they'll NEVER produce LONGEVITY!

Until next time stay FOCUSED, keep GRINDING, and RESPECT THE PROCESS!





"The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. God send a man, John the Baptist, to tell about the light so that everyone might believe because of his testimony. John himself was not the light; he was simply a witness to tell about the light. The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He came into the very world he created, but the world didn't recognize him. He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn not in physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God. So the word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness."


Focus on identifying what you allow to fuel you. Sit down and write down WHY you're doing what you're doing. Get a clear understanding of how this makes your feel. Use the tool of the week to start a consistent reflection of your actions and be sure to define your source! YOU GOT THIS!!!! Be Blessed! Have an amazing week!

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