Our life lesson for the month of MARCH is SELF-CONFIDENCE! Throughout each lesson we are using the different parts of a TREE to illustrate steps and spiritual disciplines that we can implement to become more SELF-CONFIDENT. Week one we discussed the role of the “ROOTS” which exposed the difference between a KINGDOM POV and a WORLDLY POV! We established that GOD gave us free will to choose but we also determined that apart from our father GOD we could never bear fruit. Week two we focused on diving into the layers of a TREE TRUNK and we discussed the six layers of protection we should put in place to PROTECT OUR HEARTS. Week three we explored the BRANCHES (STEMS and TWIGS). We learned that the branch's sole purpose is to raise the leaves up as high as possible so that they can absorb as much sunlight as possible. This allows the plants and trees to produce their food and reproduce. For our final week we will be exploring the CROWN of a tree and how their functions can teach us a little something about how we should operate in LIFE! Here are the functions of this portion of the tree:
The crown is made up of branches and leaves. Each branch absorbs light from the sun, water from the roots, and continues to receive nutrients from the trunk. The sole purpose is to reproduce and make food for the tree. The crown goes through the most change because it’s impacted by the season it’s living through. In winter the tree is bare, but things are still happening. The branches bud and this is the season that the sap begins to flow from the trees. In the spring there are many showers, the rain is absorbed by the roots, and transferred throughout the tree. This process is followed by the sunshine which causes the buds to turn into young leaves. As the sap flows the leaves develop strong veins which causes the flowers to blossom. In the summer the leaves are big and deep green and this is the season of fruit. In autumn the leaves begin to change colors and ultimately begin to fall. This is generally when the animals will gather food to prepare for Winter. In the winter the tree rests and turns brown.
These are the most common canopy shapes:
A tree’s crown class is examined by their position in the forest canopy. This means the tree’s crown size is compared to the trees surrounding it. There are Dominant Trees, Codominant Trees, Intermediate Trees, and Suppressed Trees.
Dominant Trees: Usually have really full crowns because they extend above the other trees surrounding it. It absorbs so much sunlight from every direction, this results in the tree growing more dominant than the others.
Codominant Trees: Share space with other trees surrounding it causing it to only receive light from above. They’re slightly shorter than the dominant trees.
Intermediate Trees: They receive direct light from up above but little to no light from the sides. This causes the tree to grow really narrow or one side tends to grow out further than the other.
Suppressed Trees: They receive no direct light. This stunts the tree's growth. They’re generally short and narrow trees.
To put it plainly, the flowers and fruits a tree bears represents the reproductive process. When a tree reaches this part of the journey it’s a direct reflection of LIFE. It creates the opportunity for the next generation to be birthed or reproduced. As the tree goes through each season a piece of the process is completed so that the next phase can take place.
Every part of the TREE can be associated with the way we live life. We all have roots that have grown from our experiences. Just like the trunk our heart needs layers of protection in order to function properly, and we all need branches to lift us up often so that we can absorb the necessary light to be able to GROW A FULL CROWN. There are so many different types of CROWN CANOPY SHAPES!
Each part of the process is so intricate and intentional, nothing is wasted when it comes to this process. Ironically, our lives are very similar, we just don’t get the luxury of seeing things through fully because the moment it gets uncomfortable we run or we uproot our lives. We could learn a lot from the TREE, about the ART OF BEING STILL. No matter what the TREE stands firm and deeply rooted. It weathers every storm and the tree has mastered the ability to ADJUST. In every season the TREE makes the necessary changes to ensure that it’s maximizing the season it’s currently in. That’s so POWERFUL to know.
So when someone asks, “How do I become more SELF-CONFIDENT?” The first thing I would say is they TREE has given us the CHEAT CODE!
First, Make a decision to either view things from a KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE or a WORLDLY PERSPECTIVE, then get deeply rooted in the RIGHT soil, that KINGDOM SOIL.
GUIDING SCRIPTURE: Romans 12:2 (NLT) says,“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let GOD transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”
Second, create layers of protection around your HEART and don’t pick up OFFENSE.
GUIDING SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 6:14-17 (NLT) says, “Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of GOD’S righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the GOOD NEWS so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the SPIRIT, which is the word of GOD.”
Third, live a holy life, and build a personal relationship with GOD. Absorb his LIGHT as much as you can from every angle.
GUIDING SCRIPTURE: Luke 11:28 (NLT) says, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of god and put it into practice.”
GUIDING SCRIPTURE: Psalm 46:10 (NLT) says, “Be STILL and KNOW that I am GOD!”
COMPARISON is the thief of joy, so as you journey throughout life please know that there will be many different CANOPY TYPES, and there will always be CROWN CLASS, but each tree has its own journey to travel regardless of how it’s classified. You must be willing to EMBRACE your UNIQUE CROWN! Just like the TREE you have a responsibility to reproduce, to ensure that the LEGACY of the KINGDOM CONTINUES. When you lean on GOD and you PRIORITIZE GOD’S PRESENCE over it all you’ll always be able to PRODUCE. So make it your mission to PLANT SEEDS and PRODUCE FRUIT no matter what’s going on.
GUIDING SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NLT) says, “But blessed are those who have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like TREES PLANTED along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees aren’t worried about long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they never stop producing fruit.”
When we learn the ART of BEING STILL we are LEARNING how to TRUST GOD! Trusting GOD allows us to be put in POSITION. When we let GOD GUIDE we will always be in the right place at the right time. GOD uses every part of our JOURNEY to develop us into the people he has called us to be. He uses our journey to PREPARE us for the next part of our process, but we must learn how to stand firm no matter how difficult the storm may get. We must learn to lean on him, not our own understanding. We have to shift from focusing on the “HOW” and start focusing on the “WHO.” When we put our hope and confidence in him we remain connected to the LIVING WATER that will allows us to PRODUCE FOREVER. We will always have the CONFIDENCE to try anything we can think of because we know that GOD is in the center of it all.