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2020 had us all making quick life or death decisions and 2021 has continued the trend. Often times we're faced with moments of bliss where we think we have it all together but we quickly find out that the ShhHhhh can hit the fan at any minute! We're all on this path to discovering where GOD wants to take us but sometimes it seems like we're stagnant or stuck. Things just seem like they're not progressing and it's almost like we get confused when we approach a crossroad. This causes us to question or "ASSIGNMENT" and ask ourselves if the things we're chasing are truly "FOR US" or are we wasting time. It makes us question our abilities and if we have enough to really create the life we've seen in our visions. It's extremely easy to make decisions when everything is rolling smooth, the business is bringing in revenue, the grades are going up, and the opportunities are flowing, but the question is what do you do when logic has to be thrown out of the window!

Making decisions is hard enough but feeling confused and lost in the moment is worst. When we're faced with dilemmas we ask GOD to send us a sign and often times he does. Sometimes he speaks through others, through songs, tv, and beyond... GOD'S creativity is endless. One of the greatest gifts GOD gave us to assist us on this quest called life is....... THE HOLY SPIRIT! The holy spirit serves as our advocate, to help us to navigate this crazy world. Some would describe the holy spirit as that little voice whispering in your ear or that angel on your right shoulder, but the BIG ONE is that GUT FEELING! GOD could be sending us all of the signs but we tend to ignore them because we want the opposite result. We might pray about it but secretly we're hoping that GOD is in alignment with us, when it's suppose to be the other way around. Let's be real a lot of times when we're weighing our options we tend to be a little bias or we don't want to believe the truth. Well....Today I wanted to drop in just to tell you that your "GUT FEELING" is the most valuable sign you can get! Your GUT NEVER LIES! It might be scary to step out on FAITH but GOD is always there to catch you and he's walking with you the whole way. That GUT FEELING is there to lead you in the right direction and protect you from harm.

You will be presented with so many options over your life time. Sometimes those options will look really good and might seem like "THE RIGHT DECISION" but often times they're not. They'll entice you with the good salary, the good benefits, the swag, the good personality, the pretty smile or the familiar feeling. I mean lowkey it will seem like the opportunity is just to good to pass up, but within ever moment and opportunity you must stop and do a GUT CHECK before you progress:


  • Ask GOD is this opportunity coming from you? Is this what you want for my life?

  • Ask GOD is this opportunity going to be a good fit for the lifestyle you've designed for me?

  • Ask GOD how will this opportunity impact my immediate family?

  • Ask GOD for discernment and the strength to choose the best option without being bias?

  • Ask GOD for the courage to embrace the possible responsibilities that might come with this decision?


  • Am I forcing this situation or does this feel organic?

  • Am I allowing my circumstances to dictate my decisions?

  • What is my bottom-line and what are my non-negotiables?

  • What will be directly impacted by my decision, am I ok with that reality?

  • What has GOD continuously presented to me during this process? What has been the consistent message?


  • Create space for you to hear GOD without him having to compete for your hear. (Daily quiet bible time, meditate, mental breaks, etc.)

  • Limit the amount of insight or advice you get from people. If you try to ask all of those people what they think you should do your voice will begin to get drowned out with their opinions. Only ask the people that you know truly have your best interest at heart.

  • Weigh your options by looking at the good and the bad side of the decision. Every new step or level comes with responsibilities so you must look at what your new reality would be. Then ask yourself if you're ok with that new beginning?

  • Write down all of the signs you've been getting overtime and examine them.

  • Make sure you pray and invite GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT into your decision making process. Just open the door, here's an example of how to do it......

EXAMPLE PRAYER: Lord GOD and HOLY SPIRIT I open my heart, my mind and my opportunities up to you. I'm not clear or sure on how I need to move forward but I pray that you would direct me in the way that I should go. Please guide me and give me the strength to make decisions that will align me with the WILL you've created for my life not the life "I think" you want me to have. LORD have your way, remove stress and strain and please let everything flow organically. Thank you for life and the opportunities you're giving me. I pray it all in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sometimes you will try to talk yourself out of the moment because you're afraid of the outcome or the responsibilities attached to the opportunity. Then sometimes people will try to convince you that the decision you're making is a mistake, but you must stand your ground. If you GUT is telling you to PRESS PAUSE you need to PRESS PAUSE to evaluate that feeling! You have to try to discover why you're feeling these feelings and what's triggering them. I'll be honest often times when you get this feeling you won't know how to explain it to someone else and make it sound logical. You just know that you know that you know that this isn't the right decision. So please don't let anyone sway you from your decision especially if your GUT has you convicted and set on a decision. You have to remember that you are the one that has to deal with the backlash of that decision. You're the one that has to focus on managing and maintaining that aftermath of that decision. So always consult GOD and make the best decision for you. Moral of the story is if you FEEL that nudge from GOD or the that GUT FEELING please listen to it. Don't run from the reality of the truth even if it's scary because the beautiful thing about the situation is GOD is going to be there with you the whole way through. Also when you follow his will you get to operate with his FAVOR and that is a GAME CHANGER! I believe that Silk Sonic said it best with this line in the song 777, "This the BIG ONE YOU GOTTA TRUST YOUR GUTT, can you FEEL IT!"



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