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Entrepreneur Journey: So we've all heard the quote "Move In Silence and don't let anybody know what your next move is!" Honestly this is very good ADVICE and I most definitely practice moving in silence! We all know the benefits of moving in silence, but I don't think we've stopped to think about how this can hinder our progress as well! So I decided to explore the notion a little bit! I've come to the conclusion that there are a number of things you should keep to yourself but I found that there are benefits to being VOCAL about your GOALS! In my opinion it enhances PRODUCTIVITY and places a certain level of PRESSURE on you! It also forces you to be held ACCOUNTABLE! It's easy to slack or backdown from a challenge when nobody is aware of your mission! When you decide to be CONFIDENT and BOLD enough to share your GOALS with the world you open yourself up to receive new opportunities and resources!! You never know who is listening on the other end that has the resources that can help you or knows someone that can help you bring your VISION TO LIFE! So my advice is don't be afraid to TALK about your GOALS and your VISIONS! I understand that some people aren't meant to hear your goals but it really can put you in the position to PUSH YOURSELF and make your YEAR the most PRODUCTIVE YEAR EVER!! So YELL it from the ROOFTOP and be CONFIDENT that nobody can fulfill your VISION like YOU!!!

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